How much does it cost to replace a sliding glass door?The average cost of replacing an exterior sliding glass door is between $740 and $860. This includes removing the old door and replacing it with basic two-panel patio door.
To find estimated costs in your area, check out ProMatcher's Door Installation Cost Report.
| By ProMatcher Staff | Updated: 09/07/2016 | | Free Quotes from Door Installers »
Other considerations:
If the contractor needs to cut a new opening and frame out a brand new door, this will increase the cost of your project substantially.
A premium door, with built-in blinds or additional energy efficiency, will be more expensive.
In some cases, your geographic location may increase or decrease the cost of installation. See the table below to see how prices vary throughout the country.
Sliding Door Installation Cost Estimates |
Chicago, IL |
$791.55 - $923.47 |
San Diego, CA |
$913.32 - $1,065.54 |
St. Louis, MO |
$640.03 - $746.70 |
Dallas, TX |
$669.06 - $780.57 |
Denver, CO |
$724.64 - $845.41 |
Savannah, GA |
$661.98 - $772.31 |
Louisville, KY |
$620.92 - $724.40 |
Newark, NJ |
$1,029.98 - $1,201.64 |
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